6 Dental Care Myths You Need to Let Go, Now

6 Dental Care Myths You Need to Let Go, Now

These dental care myths are not only widely accepted – they’re doing serious damage to pearly whites everywhere. Take heed of this list and protect your mouth.

How much do you know about your dental care? 

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t know as much as you should. Many people have faulty beliefs about their dental health. These beliefs can make it harder to ensure that your teeth are healthy. 

In this post, you will learn some of the most common myths that keep people uninformed about their dental care.  

The Only Healthy Teeth Are White Teeth

Everyone takes pride in their pearly white smile, don’t they? It’s typically seen as a sign of peak dental health. Most people see white teeth as the pinnacle of good dental care. 

Makes sense, right? 

Unfortunately, it’s completely wrong. Of course, you do want your teeth to be white for cosmetic purposes, but white teeth are not necessarily a sign of superior dental care. It’s possible to have white, shiny, sparkling teeth that are completely unhealthy. 

The color of your teeth does not mean there are no signs of infection or cavities between your teeth. 

Here’s the thing: the natural color of teeth is different for everyone. So, someone with darker teeth could potentially have healthier teeth than someone who has whiter teeth. 

The reason many believe that whiter teeth are healthier is because as we continue to age, teeth tend to become darker. Aging also causes the teeth to break down more rapidly. This is why people normally associate white teeth with healthy teeth. 

Regardless of your age or the color of your teeth, it’s best to make sure that you’re taking good care of your dental health.  

Sugar Is The Main Threat To Your Teeth

No doubt you’ve heard this myth many times over. We all have. That’s why we’re so careful about how much candy we give our children. It’s why we try to avoid sweets as much as possible. 

I’m not saying that sugar isn’t bad for your teeth. It certainly can be harmful. But it’s not the main threat to your dental health. 

It’s actually bacteria that are the main culprit when it comes to tooth decay. The reason sugar isn’t your friend is because harmful bacteria feed on sugar. So, the more sugar you have in your mouth, the easier it will be for bacteria to wreak havoc inside your mouth. 

If you’re eating a lot of processed sugars and neglecting your dental care, you could be creating a breeding ground for bacteria. That’s why it’s best to limit your sugar intake. Of course, if you’re taking good care of your teeth, you will limit the amount of damage sugar can do. 

Along with bacteria, acid is also a huge threat to your dental health. When you eat acidic foods, the acid eats away at your teeth’s enamel. This weakens your teeth and makes them more susceptible to decay.  

So go light on the acid and practice good oral care. Juice and soda are some of the most acidic things you can consume, so it’s best to limit your intake. Try to avoid acidic and sugary foods as much as you can.  

Grinding Your Teeth Can Cause Cavities

Grinding your teeth is harmful to your dental health, but it doesn’t cause cavities. Cavities are the result of bacteria eating away at your enamel. 

However, grinding your teeth can place tons of pressure on your teeth. Over time, this pressure can erode your enamel, which increases the chances of tooth decay. 

Grinding your teeth can also result in tooth loss, loosening of the gums, aching jaws, headaches, and toothaches. Teeth grinding is usually the result of stress. 70% of people who grind their teeth are doing so because of stress. 

One of the most effective ways to limit teeth grinding is to find ways to de-stress and relax. There are also helpful exercises you can do to limit your teeth grinding.  

Silver Fillings Aren’t Harmful To Your Teeth

When most people get silver fillings, they don’t consider the idea that it could be harmful to their health. Silver fillings are pretty common. The silver filling myth is pretty common. But, it’s not true. 

52% of silver fillings are made using mercury. Over time, this mercury can leak out into your mouth. It many cases, it can cause mercury poisoning

Mercury has been shown to cause certain autoimmune and other types of diseases. If you have silver fillings, you should get them replaced as soon as possible. If not, the consequences could be very harmful to your overall health.  

Pregnant Women Should Avoid Dental Care

Many women avoid dental care when they are pregnant. They believe that dental care can have a negative impact on their childbirth. It’s a common belief that the local anesthesia that dentists use could negatively impact the child. 

It’s a common belief that the local anesthesia that dentists use could negatively impact the child. However, local anesthetics and X-rays won’t harm the child as long as they’re done only when it’s absolutely necessary. 

If you’re pregnant, it’s always recommended that you continue to get regular checkups. You should also get cleanings and fillings as necessary. When you visit your dentist, make sure you let her know about your pregnancy so that they can accommodate you. There are some treatments and medications that shouldn’t be given to pregnant women so it’s best to make sure your dentist is informed.  

Gum Disease Is Not Common 

Gum disease is far more common than you think. Many adults deal with this condition. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention state that half of adults over the age of 30 have some form of gum disease. This means that these people are more vulnerable to infection.

Gum disease is caused by plaque. The plaque creates an infection in the tissues around your teeth. Plaque is the sticky film that forms on your teeth. If plaque isn’t removed, it can harden into tartar. The good news is that this can be easily avoided by regular brushing and flossing.  


It’s immensely important that you are as educated as possible about your dental care. You need to make sure that you know how to properly care for your teeth. The more you know about your dental health, the easier it will be to prevent decay and infection. Regular checkups with your dentist can help you protect your teeth. Contact us today for your check up!

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